Fifth Island Games - Isle of Wight 1993
3rd-10th July 1993
The Isle of Wight was delighted to be awarded the Fifth Island Games, following a successful bid at the General Meeting in the Faroe Islands in 1989. On returning from the Faroes an embryonic Organising Committee was set up to run, in conjunction with our own Island Games Committee.The Isle of Wight was delighted to be awarded the Fifth Island Games, following a successful bid at the General Meeting in the Faroe Islands in 1989. On returning from the Faroes an embryonic Organising Committee was set up to run, in conjunction with our own Island Games Committee.
Four years to plan seemed ideal, but in fact the length of time allowed took away the sense of urgency and everyone was amazed at how quickly that Executive visit one year before the Games came, and how invaluable the visit was to concentrate the mind.
After staging an Island-wide competition amongst all the schools on the Isle of Wight to find a mascot, the Island Games Organising Committee decided that Matthew Lake’s design, Corky the Caulkhead, should be the winner.
A Caulkhead is the name of a person who was born on the Isle of Wight, so with a play on words, Matthew invented Corky.
The Games Office was opened in January 1993 at Sandown and activity therein increased dramatically as arrival day neared.
The weeks prior to the Games were exceptionally hot and sunny, no one thought it could last, but with the exception of one traumatic shower on the last afternoon the weather was perfect throughout.
To cater for accommodation availability on the host island the programme was limited by the Executive to six days. This proved to be a very tight schedule, indeed, but in the end was managed with only a few mishaps and disappointments.
Arrival day dawned early for many. In excess of two thousand five hundred competitors, managers and officials began to arrive by midnight on the Friday and would all, hopefully, be assembled at Carisbrooke Castle by 1500 hours on Saturday the 3rd July. Each Team Manager was provided with a car and a suitably uniformed Courier, all of whom set off to meet their incoming team as they arrived in England and to escort them to the island. Information packs, accreditation badges and luggage tags were distributed on the journey to the island. Of course, with such a large undertaking there had to be some problems, but as one would expect these were dealt with in typical Island Games fashion. To highlight but a few, the Gotland pistol shooter, whose pistol was impounded at Heathrow and could only be retrieved next day after the necessary entry permits had been completed. The Guernsey team set out for possibly the shortest journey only to take longer than most other teams! There is not much you can do when fog prevents your flight taking off. Happily they arrived in time just!
A message from The Lord Mottistone CBE, his Excellency The Governor of the Isle of Wight and vice-patron of the island Games Association of the isle of Wight
“it is a great pleasure and privilege to welcome competitors, officials and supporters of the island Games to the isle of Wight for the Fifth Island Games.
We trust that you will all find your stay on our beautiful island enjoyable and that the sporting competition will be challenging but friendly.
The Games provide the perfect platform to promote greater inter national understanding, and it is our fortune this year to have this ideal evidenced first hand on our own island.
I hope all who take part in or follow these Games will leave having fostered new friendships. The island has worked for three years to arrange these Games. Please enjoy your time with us and take home memories of what we hope will be the best Games to date.”
Dick Ekstrom (Aland)
This year will be the Fifth occasion of the island Games, which started eight years ago in the isle of Man.
I can ‘t forget two men, Mr Geoffrey Corlett, Games Director in 1985 and our General Secretary , and Mr Noel Cringle MHK (first Chairman of the I.G.A.) who were responsible for founding the island Games Association. it was a tremendously good idea.
The island Games continue to grow putting more pressure on the organisers. This could also create greater problems for our smaller islands who might wish to stage the Games. Therefore i look forward to seeing our new constitution being adopted which will give clear directions for the future of our Association. I think it is very good to have an agreed number of sports, with even more member islands, participating, increasing the number of competitors in each sport and making the Games more competitive and worthy of international status.
I am convinced that the members of the Isle of Wight Organising Committee headed by Mr Maurice Lickens have been doing everything in their power to arrange another wonderful Games. Another sporting festival in which friendship bonds will be strengthened and new ones created. We are born and grew up in islands, with the sea constantly around us. That has moulded all islanders so that we have so much in common. But we also come from various parts of the world and that gives us cultural differences.
As Chairman of the island Games Association, i would like to express our thanks and pleasure to HRH The Princess Royal for accepting the invitation to officially open the Fifth island Games.
I feel confident that the Games will take place in a good spirit, promoting still better relations and stronger links between our island communities.
i wish everyone good luck in the various competitions and warmly welcome you all to the Fifth Games in the beautiful isle of Wight
Dick Ekstrom (A land), Chairman I. G.A.
Maurice Lickens
Securing the Games for the Isle of Wight was a great privilege shared with my colleagues on the Organising Committee. The initial task of raising the money, arranging accommodation, transport and programme for over 2,000 athletes plus officials without a permanent secretariat staff was daunting.
Above all, providing the level of hospitality appropriate to a friendly holiday island such as ours has been an enormous responsibility, but a challenge we felt all islanders would accept. It is thanks to my Committee together with many volunteers who undertook the varied tasks that the Games are now taking place. They have given their time and effort, for which we all owe our thanks. The Fifth Island Games would not have been possible without the support of our local authorities, providing an example where we have benefited through all working together.
- Chairman, Maurice Lickens;
- Vice-Chairman and Financial Director, Peter Taylor;
- Secretary, Gary Smith;
- Games Director, Vernon Shimmin;
- Games Office, Susanne De Haas;
- Accommodation and Transport, Chris Dandy;
- Legal, George Hibberd;
- Press and P.R., Ian Sutherland;
- Publicity, Ian Jones;
- Minutes Secretary, Jim Rush;
- Isle of Wight County Council, David Ball and Ron Smith;
- South Wight Borough Council, Wendy Fletcher;
- Closing Ceremony, Dave Dutton;
- Sports Representative, Cohn Caws;
- Merchandise, Terry Nigh;
- Clothing, Dee Cooke;
- Red Funnel (Sponsorship), Don Mathews;
- General Committee, Marion Whitbread.
Over 2,000 competitors and officials celebrated the Fifth Island Games by competing in fourteen sports for the Year of Sport Trophy. New to the Games this year was windsurfing, which gets the Island Games on to the water for the first time. In addition to the fourteen official sports, demonstration sports in the form of netball and triathlon were introduced, but were not part of the official Games.
Core sports: Athletics, badminton, cycling, shooting, swimming and volleyball plus archery, golf, football, gymnastics, judo, table tennis, tennis and windsurfing (14 sports). Demonstration sports: netball and triathlon.
Island teams and Managers were as follows: Aland (Jorgen Pettersson); Alderney (Enid Gander); Falkland Islands (Patrick Watts); Faroes (Sofus Johannesen); Frøya (Arnold Myreng); Gibraltar (Fred Chappory); Gotland (Thorsten Palmquist); Greenland (Jens Lennert); Guernsey (John Hunt); Iceland (Edda Jonsdottir); Isle of Man (Steve Cooil); Isle of Wight (Dave Dutton); Jersey (Arthur Falle); Orkney (Alan Clouston); Prince Edward Island (Linda Durhing); Saaremaa (Taivu Uhjas); Sark (Paul Williams); Shetland (James Johnston); Ynys Mon (Norman Morgan) — 19 islands.
Principal Isle of Wight Co-Ordinators of Sport:
Swimming, Alan Ayres; Skeet, Cohn Caws; Football, Bruce Charman; Rifle, Barry Hall; Archery, Beryl Ives; Judo, Richard Martin; Golf, Fred Porter; Badminton, David Ball; Volleyball, Terry Chad; Cycling, Nigel Guildford; Table Tennis, Alan Hulbert; Gymnastics, Bruce Jacobs; Athletics, Jim Rush; Tennis, Dave Wilson; Windsurfing, Ian Williams.
Carisbrook Castle had been chosen for the venue for the opening of the Fifth Island Games for many reasons, with two of them seeming most appropriate for this historic and royal event in the history of Island sport. As the official residence of the Lord Louis Mountbatten, Governor of the Isle of Wight from 1965 to 1979, what better venue for a royal event? The large arena, known locally as the Bowling Green, with its grass-banked surround and Castle back-drop was able to cater impressively for the large number of participants and spectators expected.
Saturday July 3rd dawned sunny and warm and events gradually moved towards the opening.
Teams were arriving on the island all through the day. Inside the castle grounds spectators were arriving to be entertained by such groups as the Men of Wight, the Wight Flyers trampoline team and The English Civil War Society, who carried out the re-construction of an attack on the castle.
Meanwhile Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal, had arrived to meet the dignitaries at the Royal Yacht Squadron at Cowes before proceeding to Carisbrooke Castle where many guests were presented to her.
At 16.00 hrs. Her Royal Highness was escorted to the dais where she was welcomed by Lord Mottistone, Governor of the Isle of Wight. The sight of over two thousand competitors and officials rising from the dry moat where they had assembled, dressed in team track suits and carrying national flags was truly an impressive sight. The teams, led by a uniformed courier bearing their island identification placard, soon filled the arena with a wonderfully happy and colourful display.
The assembly was first addressed by Dick EkstrOm, Chairman of the Island Games Association, then by Maurice Lickens, Chairman of the Isle of Wight lsland Games Association, who concluded by inviting Her Royal Highness to officially open the Fifth Island Games. As an Olympic athlete herself, she sympathised with the competitors who had been standing for a considerable length of time in the hot sunshine. Her words were few, but none the less, sincere. Her Royal Highness then declared the Fifth Island Games open.
Proceedings continued with the water ceremony led by Richard Large from the Isle of Wight, who deposited the contents of the flask of water brought from Aland two years previously, followed by similar contributions from the waters surrounding all participating islands, an idea introduced by Aland at their opening ceremony in
The Island Games Association’s flag was carried into the arena by six Isle of Wight competitors, who then hoisted the flag and saluted. There followed the lsland Games Association oath, sworn by Lee Mathews (tennis) and Sarah Corke (triathlon) and the singing of the Island Games 1993 anthem — ‘Light the Flame’, developed by Rob Nash, composed by Laura Charleton and Vanessa Reeves of Ryde High School. Proceedings were brought to a close by champion Isle of Wight town crier, Mr. P. Simmonds, who wished all the competitors good luck.
Thursday 8th July 1993
Held at the Council chambers, County Hall Newport.
Prior to the start of the General Meeting, the extra ordinary General Meeting was reconvened, when the Island Games Association Constitution and By-Laws were formally adopted. Thanks were expressed to Owen Le Vallee (Guernsey) for his contribution in drafting the Constitution.
At the General Meeting which followed, as part of the agenda, Geoffrey Corlett presented both his General Secretary’s and Hon. Treasurer’s reports for which he was warmly thanked. Mr Corlett expressed sincere thanks to Mr Bruce Matthews (Isle of Man) who for eight years had voluntarily given his services as Auditor for the Association. He then announced that he would be retiring from both these offices, having served on the Executive since 1985.
All members present recognised Geoff’s unique contribution to the Association and John Kjaer (Faroe Islands) then proposed that Geoffrey Corlett (Isle of Man) be made an Honorary Life Member of the Association and that the special title of ‘Pater Ludorum’ be bestowed upon him. This was unanimously agreed with acclamation.
On behalf of the Association, Chairman Dick Ekstrom presented Geoff with a beautiful Isle of Wight glass bowl inscribed :-
‘Presented to Geoffrey Corlett, Hon. Life Member Pater Ludorum, in recognition of his outstanding service to the Island Games Association 1985 1993’.
In view of the increasing workload experienced by the Secretary / Treasurer, it had been decided that the strength of the Executive be increased to include both posts.
The following were elected to serve on the Island Games Association Committee for the period 1993 - 1995:
- Chairman, Dick Ekstrom (Aland);
- Vice-Chairman, Alan Cross (Jersey);
- Hon. General Secretary, Steve Cooil (Isle of Man);
- Hon. Treasurer, Owen Le Vallee (Guernsey);
- Executive Member, Bo Frykenstam (Gotland);
- Executive Member, Vernon Shimmin (Isle of Wight);
- Executive Member, Thorsten Palmquist (Gotland).
The Sixth Island Games would be held in Gibraltar (July 1995). The 14 sports recommended by the Executive Committee had been accepted, i.e. the core sports being athletics, badminton, cycling, shooting, swimming and volleyball. The additional sports would consist of archery, football, gymnastics, sailing, table tennis, tennis, judo and wind surfing.
The Seventh Island Games in 1997 were awarded to Jersey.
The meeting concluded with the Chairman expressing his pleasure at Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, accepting the invitation to attend the Fifth Island Games and giving a vote of thanks to Maurice Lickens and all those involved in the organisation of what was, undoubtedly, a very successful and impressive Games.
Prior to the Opening Ceremony, Her Royal Highness Princess Anne, met the Island Games Association Executive Committee, members of the Isle of Wight organising committee and local dignitaries at the Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes. A finger buffet was served in a pleasant and informal atmosphere.
The Royal party and Games officials moved on to Carisbrook Castle for a second informal meeting with members of the public and some of the groups who would give good service during the Games. St. John’s Ambulance, Guides, Brownies and Scouts were prominent amongst many.
Barry Field M.P. entertained committee members and Team Managers to lunchtime drinks at his lovely waterside home in Cowes. This was followed by the traditional Team Managers lunch at the Isle of Wight College.
At her own request, Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal made a private visit to observe a number of sports in action and to meet as many participants as possible.
The Isle of Wight Councils entertained the Island Games Association to dinner at the Isle of Wight College. The menu consisted mainly of Isle of Wight food and a selection of Isle of Wight wines. The toast to the Association, represented by the Island Games Association Executive Committee and representatives from all islands taking part in the Games, was proposed by the leaders of the Councils. Dick Ekstrom, Chairman of the Island Games Association, replied thanking the Councils for their hospitality and congratulating the Isle of Wight on hosting a successful and happy Games.
Returning to St. George’s football ground, where the first event had got the Games underway just six days previously, competitors, officials and guests assembled at 9.30 p.m. for the Closing Ceremony. Teams were led on to the ground by the Wight Legionnaires Marching Band.
The Captain of the Isle of Wight team completed the Water ceremony, pledging to bring the water container to Gibraltar for the Sixth Island Games.
The presentation of the Year of Sport trophy was made by Dick Ekstrom to Jersey, the overall winners. Maurice Lickens, Isle of Wight Chairman, spoke on behalf of his Association. Dick Ekstrom, Island Games Association Chairman made the closing speech and then followed, the handing over of the Island Games flag.
With due ceremony the flag was lowered, folded and passed to the chairman of the Isle of Wight Games Association, who, in turn, passed it to the Chairman of the Gibraltar Island Games Association, Mr Fred Chappory. In accepting the flag, he promised to keep it safely and to raise it at the opening ceremony for the Sixth Island Games in Gibraltar on Saturday July 15th 1995, to which all island members were invited.
Courtesy of Geoff Corlett
Sports Held
Below is a list of sports held at these games. Once results are available they will be linked below.
Members Attending
For a profile about a member simply click their name below.