Eric Legg
Life Member - Guernsey

Island: Guernsey
IIGA History:
Executive Committee:
Treasurer 2001 – 2011
Games attendance: 1993 – 1997, 2003 - 2017
Contribution to the IIGA:
Eric was a Member of the Guernsey Bid Committee for the 2003 Games.
Treasurer of the IIGA for ten years during which time his main achievements were:
- Ensuring the IIGA was on a stable financial and professional basis going forward into the future
- Ensuring that the Exis Accreditation and Results Service continued at each Games
- Leading the Sub-Committee for the Future of the Games Report, which was accepted by the Membership at the 2011 AGM,
- Compiling and writing the Games Guide for use by future Host Islands.
Domestic Profile:
Eric was born in Guernsey in 1950. He is married to Sue, has two daughters Michelle and Rachel and enjoys looking after his grandchildren.
Sporting Background:
Eric played Badminton for Guernsey at Junior, Senior and Veteran level. He has participated in many other sports but primarily Golf and Snooker, although he also ran the London Marathon in 1985 and shot at Bisley for three years whilst at school.
He has been President of the Guernsey Badminton Association, Treasurer and Captain of the L'Ancresse Golf Club, as well as filling various other roles within sport.
Bank Manager. Eric spent all his working life in Banking with Midland Bank and HSBC before retiring in 2001 as a Business Banking Manager. Since then he has undertaken various roles all of which he has enjoyed!