Geoff Corlett
Life Member (Pater Ludorum) - Isle of Man

Island: Isle of Man
IIGA History:
Executive Committee:
Honorary Secretary & Treasurer 1985 – 1993
Pater Ludorum and Honorary Life Member 1993 - 2012
Games attendance: 1985 – 2011
Contribution to the IIGA:
Geoff was the Organising Director for the First Inter-Island Games in July 1985, which was one of the many prestigious events of the Isle of Man Year of Sport. Because of the success of these unique Games for small island communities, by popular demand from all Team Managers who attended the business meeting on Tuesday 23rd July at the Palace Hotel in Douglas, it was unanimously agreed to set up the Island Games Association. He was elected to the Executive Committee as both Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer and continued to serve in both offices for eight years (1984-1993). During his term in office, membership increased to 19 Islands and over 2,000 competitors and officials participated in the 1993 Games. At the General Meeting in the Isle of Wight, he was unanimously elected an Honorary Life Member and given the honour of receiving the unique title of 'Pater Ludorum' in recognition of his outstanding services to the IIGA. Editor and researcher of the publication the history of 'The Island Games 1985-1995'.
Domestic Profile:
Geoff was married to Val and had 3 children and 1 grandchild. Geoff passed away on 22nd August 2012.
Sporting Background:
Geoff represented the Senior Isle of Man International XI at Association Football and Athletics. He represented College teams at Association Football, Cross-Country running, Gymnastics, Swimming and Water Polo.
For many years he was heavily involved in university sport, at national and international level and was a selector in Swimming and Water Polo for the World Student Games. He has been Director of the Isle of Man University Student Festival of Sport since 1985 and during this period well over 40,000 students from England, Scotland and Wales participated in some 30 different indoor and outdoor sports. For this achievement Geoff was presented with the Isle of Man Government replica of the Manx Sword of State by the Department of Tourism and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Isle of Man Sports Council in 2006. The same year he was awarded an Hon. Fellowship of Gloucestershire University for outstanding services to pysical education and sport and a BA Degree from Loughborough University in 2009.
Geoff attended St Paul's College Cheltenham, qualified as a Secondary School Teacher then gained an Honours Diploma in Physical Education and Sport at Loughborough College and later studied at Birmingham University. His career for the 35 years prior to his return to his native island in 1993 to take up a Government appointment as Organisier for the 1985 Year of Sport, was in the UK and included senior teaching posts in secondary schools, a Senior Lecturer in Physical Education and Sport for 26 years at a Teacher Training College and Physical Education Adviser.
Author of 8 books. Geoff has raised several thousand pounds for local charities including Sport for the Disabled